My painting “Chair with Green Suitcase” was selected for the cover image of a recent book from an Italian book publisher, Iperborea. The book is called “L’uomo Senza Passato” (The Man Without a Past) by Aki Kaurismäki.
It is a beautifully printed book and an honor to have my painting on the cover.
Congrats! That’s awesome.
Hi! Chris Stott,
Congratulation! are most definitely, in order…By the way, that is a very simple (minimalist and quite “beautiful” painting…
(“Chair with Green Suitcase”)… that he chose to feature on the cover of his book.
I just may have to purchase that book in order to get you to sign a copy for me.
Thanks, for sharing and the links too!
DeeDee ;-D
At first I couldn’t imagine how they ever made a decision, all your painting are so beautiful. But thinking about it, it’s like the painting was done specifically for the book title. Truly wonderful.
How cool to see your work on a published cover of a book!
Way to go!!
That is so cool! How exactly does one get their paintings chosen, or even considered? Anyway, it’s a great choice. Your work is amazing.
I didn’t do anything to have it considered. They found the image and contacted me. So it was a nice surprise.
Thanks for the comments, everyone.
Coool, congratulations, nice painting.
Congratulations chris. It’s a beautiful painting and very deserving.