20″ x 40″ — Oil/Canvas — 2009
When I was working on the smaller piece with the Off to School book, I set up this. Or, rather, it set itself up. While trying to control the position of the books they sort of slid in to this arrangement. I thought the angles and lines pointing in different directions and overall horizontal composition worked well.
I’ll be participating in a group show in December and I have a solo show coming up in June 2010. It is only October, but I need to get cracking now. I used to keep frequent updates to this blog, but while I go in to production mode for the show, things will be quiet around here.
Hi! Chris Stott,
Chris Stott said,”When I was working on the smaller piece with the Off to School book, I set up this. Or, rather, it set itself up.”
(Laughter) Wow, any collector of books have experienced that…books falling on top of one another.
By the way, this painting (Off to School II) in the series is very beautiful too…because of the naturalness and the spontaneity of it!
…”It is only October, but I need to get cracking now. I used to keep frequent updates to this blog, but while I go in to production mode for the show, things will be quiet around here.”
Personally, I would think so in order to concentrate on the work at hand.
Take care and Thanks, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D
This is a fantastic painting… and I think the unplanned quality of the composition works to great effect.
I saw a show of yours at Calories a few years ago (I think?) ,and have been a fan ever since. Congratualations on all of your success.
Kind Regards,