My work is now showing at the Perez Fine Art Galleries — an online gallery of fine art created and curated by Alex Perez. You can see my page here. It is an honor to have been invited to show along side artists from round the world.
Please visit the gallery and check out all the fine work. It is a real feast for the eyes.
Hi! Chris Stott,
I just checked your page out a few minutes ago…I would have checked it out earlier, but I’ am stricken with a flu bug. Oh! Well, Congratulations!
Chris Stott said, “It is an honor to have been invited to show along side artists from round the world.”
I’ am quite sure that it is a honor…By the way, I’ am glad that I created a widget to announce the news of your art work at the Perez Fine Art Galleries (or really whenever you post a new post) … Because it’s a good tool to use whenever I’ am unable to announce the news…due to health issues, etc, etc, etc… On my blog.
Take care!
DeeDee ;-D
Lindo trabalho,adorei,desejo-lhe um Feliz Natal!!!Beautiful work