28″ x 22″ — Oil/Canvas — 2010
You can say so much with so little. I don’t mind the dense, thick imagery in the still life and interior paintings of the masters from centuries past. There is so much to learn and understand in those paintings. For me, living in today’s world, I’m experimenting with simpler images, with a simpler narrative. We live in such a media and image crazy culture, so I’m giving a quiet message with my work. There’s enough screaming and yelling going on elsewhere. Painting is a respite from it all.
Hi! Christopher Stott,
Christopher Stott said,”We live in such a media and image crazy culture, so I’m giving a quiet message with my work.”
I would have to second your notion and say, that you have succeeded…Because this painting is very simple, silent, but yet very visual and “speak” volume.
I’am assuming that someone was about to read a book and will return shortly…beautiful!
Thanks, for sharing!
DeeDee ;-D
Well said !
As always beautiful work, but I’ve got to say this piece is one of my favorite works of yours, love the subtle narratives in it.
This painting evokes tons of interpretations, which I appreciate and love! The quiet areas allow the more complicated areas to “speak” and yet the language of books is familiar to all (and highly relevant). Your placement of values and masses make this piece totally dynamic. It is truly outstanding! I wish it were mine.
Thank you for the kind comments, everyone. I appreciate you taking the time to do so!
“We live in such a media and image crazy culture, so I’m giving a quiet message with my work.”
Thank you, sir! The sense of space and quiet is very much a part of the appeal of this piece, for sure.