Writer William Landay recently wrote a blog entry about my work after discovering it on the web. Check it out, I think he does a very good job of capturing my motives as an artist.
William Landay

Writer William Landay recently wrote a blog entry about my work after discovering it on the web. Check it out, I think he does a very good job of capturing my motives as an artist.
1¢ Gumballs
40″ x 30″ — Oil/Canvas — 2010
• Sold (Collection of J.Crew)
This has been a familiar theme of mine for the last several years. There’s something to behold with these large scale bubble gum machines. There’s no way you can tell while looking at the 2.5″ thumbnail on your computer screen, but this painting is large. The vibrant blue of the machine and the mutli-colored gumballs pull me in.
I can distinctly remember how quickly gum would lose its flavor when I was a kid. But still, seeing a vending machine was always exciting and worth every penny. I guess the best thing about recreating them in paintings is that it helps the flavor last much, much longer in my memory.
This past August I did an interview for Uppercase Magazine, and the issue (#7) is now available. The magazine features creative professionals from many different backgrounds, and you are bound to learn something new and be impressed and inspired by the image-rich layout and design. It’s more like a book than a magazine. And I was excited to participate.
I’m keeping rather busy working on numerous paintings, many of which will be in my June 2011 solo show at the Elliott Fouts Gallery.
A note to anyone interested in the paintings: please contact the gallery — [email protected] — to get on their mailing list if you want to see the paintings first. I won’t be sharing them until early spring on this blog. However, you can look forward to some in-progress/studio documentation of the pieces in their unfinished stages.
I hope you have a great November!