I have a room in my basement where I prep and store canvas, and box up finished paintings before I send them off on their journeys to other lands. Right now it’s kind of intimidating walking in to the room because I’m greeted by way to much blank canvas.

Over the next 3.5 months I have to complete at least 15 paintings, and in order to do so I have had to employ serious organizational skills.
Below is a glimpse at one piece in progress, an old Remington No.10 typewriter. Last summer I took my family to visit my grandparents and the town was holding their annual summer festival. They open up the buildings of a heritage village — a collection of buildings, like the old town hall, the doctor’s house, blacksmith, church, schoolhouse, etc. — all reassembled to form an idealized main street from the past. In one building they have an old-tech graveyard where heaps of adding machines and typewriters sit abandoned for what will likely be the rest of eternity. That’s where I step in. To the confusion and amusement of the committee responsible for the buildings, I convinced them to lend me several pieces, and will likely return again and again.