Many of these Penguin Classics are the books that you should have read when you were in your teens, but probably wouldn’t have understood fully until you were in your thirties. It is available through the Elliott Fouts Gallery.

Giving these books a try early on in life is good but I have personally found that revisiting them later makes them way more relevant. These books are written by people who had a full spectrum of experiences and knowledge and I am only now finding that I understand where they come from. 

The books themselves, the actual books, are full of texture and wear and tear, time-tested. I painted them on a contrasting blue ground that reflects that texture. The painting is composed on a long, wide canvas with a horizon line, the books structured in a hill-like formation, to mimic a landscape.

Eight Penguin Classics by Christopher Stott

The spines visible are The War of the Worlds – H.G. Wells, Nineteen Eighty-Four – George Orwell, Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte, and Animal Farm – George Orwell.