I’m pleased to share the news that five of my paintings, including the two below, now belong to J.Crew‘s corporate collection.

Someday Soon
30″ x 36″ | Oil/Canvas | 2010

Remington Standard No. 10, Profile
30″ x 36″ | Oil/Canvas | 2010


  1. unschool says:

    Wow, Chris–these are so nice. And congratulations! Great to see your paintings find such wide appreciation.

  2. Kaylyn Munro says:

    Its been a while since I’ve checked your site. I am thrilled for your success this year!! It is heartening to see excellence rewarded.

  3. Hi! Christopher Stott…
    I first got a glimpse Of these paintings via email and both paintings are very beautiful!
    I have to second the notion and say that the J.Crew’s corporation is very lucky to own your paintings!
    Thanks, for sharing!
    DeeDee ;-D

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