By Christopher

Christopher Stott is a contemporary realist painter.

The Blue Table

Two new paintings showing at the Robert Lange Studios in Charleston, South Carolina.

Rotary Telephone & Blue Table by Christopher Stott
Western Electric Rotary Telephone & Blue Table / 20 x 20 / oil on canvas

I found this little blue table at Everything Old Canada and figured I would use it to inject some texture and colour in to a few paintings. It is a bit of an experiment, a study to see if this is something I would want to pursue in other paintings.

Antique Camera & Blue Table by Christopher Stott
Antique Camera & Blue Table / 20 x 20 / oil on canvas

New Limited Edition Prints

I am happy to announce that I am now selling small, affordable, collectable limited edition prints on paper direct form my studio.

Find them on my new print website

Antique Chair & Books

The vibrantly coloured and crisply detailed prints are on archival matte paper. They look great when framed.

Piles of Books

I recently came across a Japanese word that I thought was a good descriptor for this small series of paintings I recently did.

Tsundoku: (n) the act of buying a book and leaving it unread, often piled together with other unread books

I currently suffer a mild case of this tsundoku phenomenon, but I suspect as I get older I’ll find ambitious piles of books growing around me. My wife encourages this.

Silent-Super, Smith-Corona

A new Silent-Super, Smith-Corona painting showing at the Robert Lange Studios in Charleston, South Carolina.

I thought it would be fun to take a look at a typewriter painting I did exactly 11 years ago. Although I think my precision and technique have changed over the years, I feel rather consistent with subject and approach.

Smith-Corona by Christopher Stott
March 2017, Typewriter in Case


Smith-Corona Typewriter Painting by Christopher Stott

A Smith-Corona typewriter. Recently completed and now comfortably inspiring a new collector in New Jersey.

Several years ago I started painting a series of typewriter vignettes. Recently looking for inspiration, I found that revisiting my own paintings as a place to learn and grow from.

You can check out all of my typewriter paintings to date on Flickr → click on this link.

Smith-Corona in progress / 1 of 2