From September 2017

Green Rotary Telephone

Green Rotary Telephone / 24 x 30 / oil on canvas

The elements I strive for in a painting: a sense of space, light, and atmosphere.

Although my work is realist, it is not hyper or photo realist. All the layers and paint marks are really only visible if you stand before the actual painting and look close. Glancing at it here on your phone, iPad or computer screen will be too brief to see these details. That’s okay, the entire point here is to just introduce you to the painting. If you want to get to know it better, to really understand what it is I’m doing, you have to see them in person. I hope you’re able to do that one day, if you haven’t already.


Sunshine and Rain, After the Sun Sets

Books have always been one of my favourite things to paint. And I think the titles, the actual titles, say just enough. I don’t need to add anything else. They speak for themselves and are up for your own interpretation.

Sunshine and Rain / 14 x 18 / oil on canvas

Once you add text to a painting, you’ll immediately look at it differently — words transform the subject.

After the Sun Sets / 18 x 14 / oil on canvas

Remington Quiet-Riter

Remington Quiet-Riter by Christopher Stott

This Remington Quiet-Riter painting is like all of my paintings – simple at first glance, but full of detail once you look a little longer. The straight forward composition is easy to read, but the repetition in the numerous keys creates complexity. The layers of paint to bring the depth of the inside of the case was a joy to paint.

Remington Quiet-Riter – Detail
Remington Quiet-Riter – Detail

Royal Quiet De Luxe I

Royal Typewriter Painting by Christopher Stott

This is hands down my favourite painting that I have done in the past few years. It’s a Royal Quiet De Luxe typewriter in a simple vignette. It feels good when a painting comes together in all the right places.

This will be one of 18 new paintings showing at the George Billis Gallery in New York City from the beginning of October through to the beginning of November.

This is the culmination of plenty of work and focus. I painted all throughout the summer months and a huge sense of relief and accomplishment has come over me. I have kept busy boxing up and shipping the paintings, but also stepping back from an intense period of painting and now I’m gearing up for the fall months spent following the momentum I built up this past summer.